Non-ferrous metals for the nautical industry: more than 40 years of enthusiasm

Musola Metalli Spa and Allu.Fer.Tempesta Srl: a successful story.

We are happy to describe how one of the many collaborations can give the opportunity to set the foot in new realities like the nautical industry.

Particolari finiti per la nautica.Finished components


A few years ago a new client contacted us for a supply of a particular bronze alloy, suitable for the marine environment. We chose the alloy CuAl10Fe5Ni5 (CC333G). In the end, this alloy was perfect for its needs. 

Allu.Fer.Tempesta Srl is an important company, mindful of the quality of materials for its applications.

Componenti in alluminio per la nautica.Aluminium componentsComponenti in bronzo per la nauticaBronze components


This business relationship is still strong and with mutual satisfaction. Metal supplies for the nautical industry have been many: aluminium tubes and sheets, aluminium bronze bars, brass bars and many other alloys.

In January 2015 an article on the magazine Inside Marine will be published, with a focus on this productive collaboration.

We thank our clients for always trusting our work and all its internal aspects (customer care, fast deliveries, etc.) We hope this collaboration will last for a long time and will lead us to new exciting projects.



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